Flexitarian – Vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan. There are now so many nutritional trends that it’s easy to lose track of them all. A vast group is the ovo-lacto-vegetarians, who avoid fish and meat but eat eggs and dairy products. About half of all vegetarians or vegans living in Germany are lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Pescatarians, on the other hand, only eat fish and seafood, while vegans usually strictly reject all products of animal origin.

What Exactly Is A Flexitarian?

The term flexitarian comprises the words “flexible” and “vegetarian.” Flexitarians includes those who are “part-time vegetarians,” so to speak. For many, meat consumption is part of this diet, but it is consumed only consciously and not regularly but in exceptional cases. A conscious and mindful lifestyle is the focus of flexitarians. About 12% of Germans can be assigned to the diet or group of flexitarians.

Flexitarian Diet – What Does A Flexitarian Eat?

The answer to this question cannot be unified so quickly. In principle, the flexitarian decides when to eat vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. However, flexitarians do not consume foods such as meat daily, but rather seldom, and when they do, very consciously. Conscious means that flexitarians usually obtain animal products from organic farms and strive for high-quality standards. True to the motto: quality instead of mass when consuming meat.

Pros And Cons Of Flexitarians

A good one in ten Germans now eats a flexitarian diet. But what are the trends, advantages, and disadvantages for health, the environment, and Co.? And is it easier to become flexitarian than vegetarian?

These Are The Key Benefits Of Flexitarians

The benefits of a flexitarian diet are incredible. Like vegetarians, flexitarians eat plant-based foods primarily. Many fresh fruit and vegetables, salads, whole grain products, and new, unprocessed food promote health and can even prevent or counteract disease.

In addition, flexitarians protect the environment with their consumption decisions and make a statement against factory farming. As a result, the trend is towards more conscious shopping and the willingness to pay a higher price for high-quality food with a clear conscience.

A possible weight reduction can also be a positive side effect on your health. After all, even a vegan can eat unhealthily if he only eats white bread and sugar. In general, flexitarians is good for losing weight.

Are There Any Disadvantages?

Like vegetarians and vegans, flexitarians may sometimes be concerned about whether they are getting all the essential nutrients. But if you eat a varied and conscious diet, you can’t do much wrong and can easily supply your body with all the vital nutrients.

However, there is sometimes criticism that animals would have to die for the flexitarian lifestyle, the environment would be polluted, etc.

How Can I Become A Flexitarian? – Tips

But it is also clear that anyone who has consumed meat all their life without really questioning it may find it more difficult to reduce their meat consumption to zero overnight.

The step towards flexitarians can be a good (interim) solution. The advantage: You don’t feel like you have to do without meat. Quite the opposite: you might even enjoy the occasional meat consumption much more than before because you consciously deal with it and choose quality over quantity.


A lot of fresh food is on the plate, such as fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, and legumes containing protein. Even if fish and meat are occasionally on the menu, vegetable protein suppliers have priority. However, if all meat eaters would accept this philosophy of life, the world would probably be helped a bit.