Powder Room Vanity – A guest toilet is the figurehead of every house. Therefore, it should be clean and exude a certain charm. After all, you want to make the right impression on guests. To turn the bathroom into a small wellness oasis, it is advisable to use small decorative elements here as well. Do you still have no idea how to design the guest toilet? We provide you with ideas and inspiration.

Floating Furniture For More Space In The Guest Toilet

The furniture in the guest toilet should primarily be practical. After all, space is limited. However, you don’t have to do without an exclusive ambiance. We, therefore, recommend floating bathroom furniture. These not only save space but also look modern and contemporary. Base cabinets, washbasin, shelf & Co. are also available in a floating version. They make the room appear friendlier and larger.

Tiles In The Powder Room Vanity – Tips & Tricks

To design the guest toilet, you must consider suitable tiles. Even if dark tiles look classy, ​​we recommend using the light variant in smaller rooms. Our tip – Use large wall tiles and do not tile the bathroom up to the ceiling. If you leave the room, you can paint the rest of the wall in a matching color.

The Right Color

Speaking of wall design: the smaller the guest toilet, the stronger the color can be. If you opt for light colors, you set a fresh note in the bathroom. On the other hand, dark tones such as earth tones or brown tones give the room a certain coziness. How you design your guest toilet is ultimately up to you. We say: Especially in the powder room vanity, you are welcome to experiment. Dare!

Enlarge The Space With Mirrors

A mirror in the guest bathroom is indispensable and a good trick to make the room appear larger. With several mirrors in the bathroom, the room looks a few square meters larger. In addition, you set a visual highlight because glass is very decorative. If you don’t want to do without the necessary storage space, you can also access mirror cabinets

Designing The Powder Room The Right Bathroom Lighting

Neglecting proper lighting is not the way you want to design the guest toilet. Since the room is usually relatively small, it is advisable to work with several light sources. Recessed lights in the ceiling create good essential lighting. In addition, several light sources on the mirror spread an exclusive flair and make the room appear more significant thanks to the reflection. Positive side effect: Refreshing make-up is made easier

Decoration Idea For The Powder Room Vanity

The guest toilet should also exude a certain homeliness and not appear too sterile. A few fresh flowers or pictures give the room a personal touch. A few decorative elements not only look stylish but can also be practical. Our tip – Drape a small beauty tray. You can decorate this with small cosmetic items such as hand cream, perfume, or soap. Your guests will be delighted.

Decoration Idea For The Powder Room Vanity

The Luxury Feeling

Designing a guest toilet also means expressing a particular appreciation for your visitors. Spoil your guests with bathroom textiles made from the finest chenille for a feel-good experience with a soft-touch effect. In addition, towels are an interior highlight in every guest’s toilet. The fabric has an identical pattern on both sides, an unsurpassed variety of colors and color fastness, and a pleasantly soft pile. Designs specially designed for chenille ensure the luxurious character and are an eye-catcher in every bathroom.


The powder room vanity needs to have proper dimensions. The construction of guest toilet must be constructed appropriately with appropriate spacing. The cleaner the room is, the better impression it provides. Therefore, giving a luxury finish with a delicate touch is essential.