A signet ring is a piece of jewelry that has been around seemingly forever. Throughout history, it has been used as a symbol of lineage, power and status. Families have used it as personal seals when sending their letters. So, if you don’t really have an idea as to what these are, you may want to watch, or better yet read, Game of Thrones. No, I’m not trying to hype up the show, as it has had its own moment already, so I’m simply trying to bring the idea of signet rings closer to you.

Here is what to know about their history: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/brief-history-signet-rings-chris-nash

Now, the fact that you are here tells me that you’ve already heard of these specific jewelry pieces. Yet, you are not sure what these actually are and whether you should get them for you or not. Furthermore, you are also curious about where to get it, should you decide to do so.

Well, those are all some rather important questions, and we are going to answer them for you below, hoping to shed light on this piece of jewelry and to help you decide if you should wear it. Of course, we will also give you a better idea about where you can get these products, so that you can proceed towards buying them the moment you decide to do so. Without any further ado, thus, let us start answering the questions.

What is a Signet Ring?

Let us begin with the basics. Signet rings have been worn throughout history, as I mentioned above, and they have contained engravings, such as initials, emblems, family crests. Furthermore, they have often been engraved in reverse, so that they can leave a clear imprint when pressed into wax or clay. So, they have actually served as a kind of a personal signature for the person wearing them.

Nowadays, though, there is no need for us to wear rings that serve as personal signatures. Although, it would still be pretty cool. Anyway, when you visit any signet rings website today, you will see that there is still the option for you to engrave your family crest or anything else on this piece of jewelry, and then wear it proudly. Sure, you probably won’t be using the ring to seal letters, but you will still love the idea of wearing something that represents your family heritage. Additionally, you can have your initials or something else engraved, all with the aim of reflecting your identity.

Signet Ring

Should You Wear One?

The above should have made it perfectly clear what a signet ring is, and there is no doubt in my mind that you now have a better understanding of those products. What you may not be sure about, though, is whether you should actually wear one or not, so that is what we are going to be discussing right now. In short, you’re probably wondering why wearing these pieces of jewelry is a good idea, so let me tell you some more about that.

For starters, the symbolism attached to it is something you will quite value. This is not just a ring. Most usually, it represents a deep family connection and shows how proud you are to be its part. So, this piece of jewelry carries great meaning, and it, therefore, has sentimental value for the person wearing it.

Even though the symbolism is the first reason why people get these, we cannot deny the fact that they can serve as a sort of a fashion statement in the modern world as well. They can be worn both with casual and with formal attire, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to any of your outfits. So, if you’re looking to convey style, as well as confidence, you may want to give these products a try. Here is why modern men wear them.

We cannot fail to mention the fact that these are also quite durable. Meaning, thus, that whatever you will pay for it, it will wind up paying off. Why? Because the product will last for a very, very long time. Furthermore, it won’t be that prone to damage, meaning that it will remain in great condition for years and years to come.

Where to Get It?

The only thing you’re wondering right now is where it is that you can actually get these products for yourself. And, the good news is that you can nowadays order them online. That, however, doesn’t mean that you should order them just anywhere, without taking the time to carefully select the supplier.

Quite on the contrary, you should research different suppliers, aiming finding reliable and trusted ones that offer great quality products. Of course, compare the prices too when trying to make the choice. And, once you’ve finally decided which supplier to work with, proceed towards ordering your customized signet ring and enjoy it when it arrives.